Beauty & Wellness

I’m Throwing In the Towel For Now—And That’s Okay

We all have our stuck moments when it comes to what we do for a living. Trust me, it’s not always a bad thing—it lets us assess how we can make our jobs or companies better. But what if the problem is the job itself?

When I got married and settled in another country, I sat down and wrote a list of goals I wanted to accomplish. I’ve made significant progress on some of those goals, and I’m actually quite happy about them. One of those goals was landing my dream job. I had to decline offers from other companies so I could score the perfect one—one that aligns to my own personal values. Finally, I found meaningful work.

Three months have passed, and the perfect job has become nothing more than just a paycheck. I know this is what I should be doing. But anything with a should attached to it can feel really heavy. I thought to myself: “Have I outgrown my aspirations? Is this what I really want?”

I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling this.

When the hours you spend at work make you feel miserable, your frequent debate would be whether to call it quits or tough it out.

The answer? It’s up to you.

I know this is what I should be doing. But anything with a should attached to it can feel really heavy.

You know, more than anyone, what’s important to you right now, and in the future—what you can bear, and what you can do to turn things around, or head towards the exit. You need to decide if what you get from your job outweighs what you grumble about. Before you throw in the towel, ask yourself: have you put effort into finding ways to deal with your complaints? Take an honest look into your situation and priorities, without letting your emotions color your responses.

If you’re unhappy, but unwilling to learn because you’re comfortable, don’t let the cool perks and the benefits distract you. When the job isn’t the right fit for you, you will eventually get sidetracked without even realizing it. Your ambition will dwindle, along with your confidence to pursue work elsewhere.

This is where I’m at right now. I’ve hit the snooze button. I’ve always known, even at a young age, what I was called to do. But I’ve rationalized and resigned to my desk job, out of fear of risking the unknown. I’ve judged myself, thinking that I might not be equal to the task, before even starting on anything. And I’ve lost sight of the joy and purpose that hooked me to my calling in the first place.

Remember that forward movement isn’t always a sure win. And even if it doesn’t work out the first time, there is still a lot of great value in the process of trying and failing.

Now, I realize that I need to make the next steps if I want my situation to get any better—even if it scares me. Whether to adapt and or work towards change, or simply step away—once you start seeing the possibilities like I have, fear gets replaced with excitement.

If you have a clear idea of what you want, don’t let fear freeze you in your tracks. Prepare yourself for what it will take to make it happen—sacrifice, discipline and the perpetual grind. But once you have a direction in mind, remember that forward movement isn’t always a sure win. And even if it doesn’t work out the first time, there is still a lot of great value in the process of trying and failing.

Whatever it is that you think you’re meant to do, do it now. Stop stalling. Stop waiting for the right moment. Go and get moving.


About Jhanika Rafelle Almazan-Biasotto

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