Beauty & Wellness, Culture

Check Yourself: These Apps Can Guide You to a Better Life

Self-care can mean different things to different people. It can mean going for a run, doing yoga, meditating, watching your favorite Netflix series, or creating art. For me, it means journaling and doing my daily skincare routine. It’s basically remembering to take the time to do something for you.

Self-care is important in maintaining our mental health, and it should be a priority. There’s a saying that goes, “Low battery—you wouldn’t let this happen to your phone. Don’t let it happen to you either.”

Self-care is our way of recharging ourselves. With the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, sometimes it becomes a challenge to take the time for self-care. Fortunately, technology is on our side.

Here is a list of apps that you can download to keep yourself in check.


Headspace is a mindfulness app. It’s great for meditation. If you’re a beginner at meditating, the app has a course on basic meditation. If you just want to try it out, you can find two to three-minute meditations here. The app is free, but to have access to more guided meditation, you can subscribe for a monthly fee.


Also a mindfulness app, you can find guided mediations from three to 25 minutes. There are meditations for managing stress, deep sleep, self-esteem, and many others. There is also a sleep timer that will play calming music until you fall asleep. You can try it for free for seven days.

Relax Melodies: Sleep Sounds

The name says it all. If you find yourself looking for sounds like rain or piano to relax, this is the app for you. You can even make your own sound combinations or make your own sleep mix.


Shine is a free self-improvement app that allows you to set personal growth goals. It sends you daily motivational messages, and has a selection of things you can listen to about productivity, mindfulness, and sleep. It also has a gratitude element where you can keep track of the things you’re grateful for.

Gratitude: Journal App

I always like to say, “Count your blessings.” Practicing gratitude is a good way to improve your well-being. The app aims to improve mental health and change how you perceive life. This free app can be your gratitude journal.


Happify is a free science-based app that has games and activities to improve your emotional well-being. It incorporates theories from positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mindfulness.


Remember that time when adult coloring books were a thing? I got one, and I can vouch that they help you relax when you’re stressed. With this app, you’ve got your own digital coloring book. You can download it for free, and choose from weekly, monthly or annual subscriptions.


This is an advanced app that was developed by Dr. Caroline Leaf, a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist. She said, “The Neurocycle is a way to harness your thinking power and direct the neuroplasticity of the brain (the ability of the brain to change).” Using over 30 years of research on the mind-brain connection, she designed the app to help overcome anxiety, stress, and toxic thinking through five steps in 21 days.

Mental Health Week ends on the 9th of October, but remember: we have to check in on ourselves (and others, of course) all year long.


About Janna Rei Yuvallos

Janna is a night owl and a frustrated early bird. During her free time, you'll often find her drinking a cup of boba or eating a slice of cake. When she's at home, she likes to cuddle up with her Corgi, Luffy. Scrolling through cute dog photos is also a favorite past-time.


About Janna Rei Yuvallos

Janna is a night owl and a frustrated early bird. During her free time, you'll often find her drinking a cup of boba or eating a slice of cake. When she's at home, she likes to cuddle up with her Corgi, Luffy. Scrolling through cute dog photos is also a favorite past-time.

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