Beauty & Wellness

Make Time for Self-Care with This Keeta Guide

This week is National Mental Health Week, and we’re grateful that the conversation around this once-taboo topic is getting more and more open. 

According to the Department of Health, a WHO study conducted in 2020 estimates that at least 3.6 million Filipinos suffer from some type of mental or neurological disorder — a number that’s likely to have gone up as the pandemic continued. 

Raising awareness and breaking the stigma are some of the most important parts of tackling mental health. As more and more people struggle with their own mental health issues, they must be reminded that there is no shame in needing help and resources to cope. 

In case you missed it, here are some stories from Keeta to help you care for your mental health and well-being, whatever you might be struggling with. 

Dealing with Burnout

Sometimes we get so used to the fast-paced life that we don’t realize we’re on the verge of burning out. 

Slowing down and taking a little pause for yourself isn’t easy for everyone. It might feel like you should be up and moving and doing something else productive, but your brain needs to de-stress if you want it to work with and not against you. 

Feeling Stagnant

Have you ever had everything you thought you needed to feel fulfilled and happy, but still wound up feeling empty and exhausted? 

It’s okay to feel that way, and there’s no shame in realigning your priorities for your own happiness. Take the time to really ask yourself what you want, and what path you want your life to take. 

Getting Better Sleep

Our mental health is intrinsically tied to our physical health — if we neglect our bodies, our brains aren’t able to function optimally. 

Sleep is the most important part of taking care of ourselves. It’s during sleep that our bodies recharge, and not getting enough can be detrimental to our cognitive function and overall mental health. 

Healing with Crystals

Not everyone buys into the healing power of crystals, but just collecting these precious stones and setting your personal intentions can do wonders for your peace of mind. 

Whether you’re looking for more clarity, self-love, or protection from negative energy, there’s definitely a crystal out there that’ll call out to you and keep your spiritual space safe. 

The Friends You Need and the Friends You Don’t 

The people we surround ourselves with have a major impact on our minds, and while some friendships can be healing and fulfilling, others can drain you of all your energy and bring you down. 

Taking stock of your friendships and knowing which ones are good for you and which ones aren’t can be difficult, but remember you’re looking out for yourself in the long run. You have the right to assert your boundaries and personal space. 

Making Time for Friends

When we’re feeling a little off, isolating yourself seems like the best option, and is definitely the easier one during this pandemic, but it could make matters worse. 

Having your alone time is important, but sometimes the best way to take your mind off what’s weighing you down is spending some time with your friends.




About Bernice Quimbo

Loving cat mom with too many different interests and a new obsession every week. After spending most of her life moving back and forth between Cebu and Manila, Bernice considers herself a woman of two cities, with a soft spot for her hometown and the Cebuano lifestyle.


About Bernice Quimbo

Loving cat mom with too many different interests and a new obsession every week. After spending most of her life moving back and forth between Cebu and Manila, Bernice considers herself a woman of two cities, with a soft spot for her hometown and the Cebuano lifestyle.

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