
Bored Yet? Here are 50 Things You Can Do at Home

Whether you have to or want to stay at home, you’re never out of things to do. Here are some ideas. Already done most of these? There’s no harm in doing them again. 

Go on TikTok

TikTok is popular for a reason and it’s not just riddled with dance routines. Give in, and explore. It’s fun. 

Cook a dish

Now is as good a time as any to slip on that apron and make something you’ve been dying—or dreading—to make, to test your culinary skills. On the other hand, you can cheat it by stocking up on the sauces that make you an amazing cook.

Adopt a pet 

Somewhere out there is a pet who needs a loving home. That home could be yours. True, taking care of a pet is no picnic in the park. It has its rewards though. Unconditional love and cuddles from your fur baby? There’s nothing like it.

If it’s not your thing, then get a plant

Though it’s less complex than a pet, it still needs that TLC. Make sure you keep an eye on it. 

Give yourself some “me” time

Get pampered at home: give yourself a facial treatment, a foot spa or change your hair. The possibilities are endless. 

Soak in a warm bath

It’s really really relaxing. Add in some candles and music, and your bathroom instantly turns into your own little oasis. 

Give someone else a makeover

It could be your sibling, your parents—who knows? They might be bored too. 

Try online gaming

More than a place to have fun, it has its own community. You never know, you might make some new friends. 

Clean the house

Not just clean—sterilized clean. While you’re at it, don’t forget the garage, organize your kitchen pantry and the fridge. Check for expired stuff too. Take some inspiration from Toni Pino-Oca, who shared her organization tips with us.

Listen to a new song or album

Music helps especially when you’re trying to get out of a funk. Have you listened to Downtown Disco yet?

Do a Marie Kondo 

Check out your closet and pick which ones to keep and which to toss. 

Read a book

Read more, hoard less. Check out Fiction Friends for some great recommendations.

Check-in on your favorite people

Catch up with your nearest and dearest and see how they’re doing. It doesn’t have to be something you do on a daily basis but at least you know and they know you’re there for each other. 

Send your favorite people a care package

It’s fun to customize your gifts. It also shows how much you care for them, hence the name. It could be different kinds of foods, spa goodies, or if your friend is a neat freak, some cleaning products. Yeah! There are people who would love to get that. *raises hand

Change your sheets

Be honest: when was the last time you changed your sheets? *cringing. While you’re at it, flip your mattress.

Update your social media

Check your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Do a little cleansing, and see who to remove from your friends list. While you’re at it, update your Pinterest board for some inspiration. 

Try a DIY project

If you have the patience, a DIY project would be a fun distraction. Just start small then work your way up. With online tutorials at our disposal, it won’t be so daunting. And if all else fails, ask for help. 

Clean up your inbox

Too much clutter in your inbox will eventually drive you nuts. Remove any unnecessary email. Same goes with any paperwork lying around the house.

Use that China and silverware you keep in the cabinet

We have a tendency to store the breakables and use them only for special occasions—like when the Queen of England visits. Life is too short. Use it and use it now. 

Have a picnic in your own backyard

Watch out for pet poop. 

Express yourself

Dance your heart out. Sing your lungs out. You know what? You can even scream your lungs out. It’s not at all surprisingly a relieving thing to do but in case you haven’t done it, do it! But only somewhere where no one can hear you. Most people are working at home for God’s sake!

Brew some Kombucha

We hear it’s good for you. 

Take an online quiz

I’m a Gryffindor, by the way. 

Stalk your favorite celebrity or artist

How’s he or she doing these days? Any updates?

Slide into your crush’s DMs

You’re bored and cooped up at home so take a risk. 

Take care of your car

Your car takes you from Point A to Point B, so it needs to be in good shape. Apart from thoroughly cleaning it, check what needs to be checked. If your mechanic can do home service for anything that needs fixing, that’s a big plus—provided you practice social distancing and other safety precautions. 

Learn a new language

There are apps for that—and not just the kind that translates certain words or sentences. There are apps that also give both parties a chance to learn each other’s languages. It’s a win-win. 

Do a movie or television marathon

Watch that flick or show someone you know has been raving about.

Read your horoscope

Get a kick out of what’s in the cards for you. You never know. *wink

Get takeout

We know you’ve done it already, so what’s one more? Start with our favorite taco-to-go spots!

Same with online shopping

What can we say? It’s your fiscal responsibility. 

Take an online course

The best part? You can do it at home. 

Wish someone a happy birthday

We’re all pretty bummed celebrating our birthdays quarantine-style; still, it doesn’t mean we stop celebrating at all. Whoever’s birthday is coming up, wish them well. 

Clean your phone

Take out apps on your phone that are only taking up space.

Have a mini party with your housemates

Make it festive. Center it around a theme and prepare a feast. The idea is to enjoy little pockets of happiness. 

Stick to a sleeping schedule

The world’s not going back to normal anytime soon. In fact, in case you haven’t, you have to come to grips with the fact that this is the new normal. But should things mellow, we might have to go back to the way things were. Make sure to be consistent with your time just so don’t get shocked. (Get better sleep with these great tips!)

Stay active 

If you’re not into the whole intense workout, doing chores already counts.

Get boozy

You can’t enjoy alcohol outdoors but you can at the comfort of your own home. Who knows? With some practice, you can add “Self-taught mixologist” to your skills set. Better yet, stock up on Tipsy Trio’s concoctions!

Stock up on medicines

But don’t hoard, okay? Not cool. 

Stay comfortable yet fashionable—even at home

Loungewear never goes out of style, even more so now. Look up local and international brands for comfy and cute outfits you can sport at home. 

Spread positivity

Some people try to avoid the internet these days because of the negativity and bad vibes all around. Continue to be who you are. If your idea of spreading positivity is posting motivational quotes, memes, cute videos of pets and cleaning motivations—go for it. Beats spreading hate and false information.

Practice photography

Do more than just the usual selfie. Learn the tricks of the trade. There’s a lot you can do with just your smartphone—you can start with these great tips for that dreamy aesthetic.

Set goals

Although most—if not all—our plans are put on hold, take some time for yourself to list out goals, be it long term or short, to get yourself motivated. However bleak it might seem, sometimes looking forward to something in the future helps you think differently. 

Take up gardening

Imagine the amount of produce you can grow. Think of the meals you can come up with. Missing a few ingredients because you forgot to get them from the store? Look to your backyard. 

Be financially literate

Talk to a financial advisor, do your research, and don’t be afraid to ask questions you might think are way too simple or stupid. This is how you learn. 

Check your insurance

With what’s happening in the world right now, you need to make sure you’re covered. 


Talk to someone you trust about your feelings about, well, everything. 

Start a journal

If you’re the type who wishes to just keep things to yourself but in dire need to really vent, writing down your thoughts for the day helps.

Look back

Reminisce about the times when everything was normal, sob silently, then pull yourself together.

Take a moment

Say a prayer for yourself, family and friends, and the whole world, and hope for better days. 


About Monica R. Lopez

Curious by nature, Monica looks at the world with childlike enthusiasm—and vows to remain that way. Hardly one to beat around the bush, she prefers deep conversations over small talk and firmly believes in quality over quantity. When she’s not writing, she spends her time pursuing other interests and enjoying her moments of solitude. Otherwise, you’ll find her at her favorite brunch spots.


About Monica R. Lopez

Curious by nature, Monica looks at the world with childlike enthusiasm—and vows to remain that way. Hardly one to beat around the bush, she prefers deep conversations over small talk and firmly believes in quality over quantity. When she’s not writing, she spends her time pursuing other interests and enjoying her moments of solitude. Otherwise, you’ll find her at her favorite brunch spots.

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