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David Cua is the Bisaya Conyo Girl—And Vice Versa

With the internet trends coming and going so fast, you never really know what’s going viral next. You may be uploading a short video for funsies and the next thing you know you’re an internet sensation. The most gwapa Bisaya Conyo Girl influencer also known as David Cua would know that best.

The start of their TikTok journey

You may have seen them on Tiktok for their witty Bisaya conyo skits and fast-paced videos about trendy hotspots in Cebu. Their journey to becoming a Tiktok star started out with something as simple as making jokes with friends on a boating trip. 

“I was making binuang and joke joking to my friends on a boating trip, then they katawa-ed. So I huna-huna-ed, ‘What if I put this on Tiktok!’  And here we are now karon.” (I was joking with my friends and they laughed. So I thought, ‘What if I put this on Tiktok!’ and here we are today.)

Now Bisaya Conyo Girl has over 2 million likes on TikTok.

Other than their popular Bisaya skits, they are also loved for their video content on new hangouts in Cebu, giveaways, and collaborations with other influencers and stars.

On fame

Bisaya Conyo Girl, as their fans would already know, is not a person who would shy away from compliments. 

When asked about their Tiktok career they said, “I already kahibalo that I am a superstar. Everyone else just needed to apas.” (I already knew I was a superstar, everyone just needed to catch up.)

And that endearing honesty and wit are part of what makes them loved by their fans online and in real life. They jokingly say, I ganahan it jud when I meet fans IRL. It feeds my ego.” (I really love it when I meet fans in real life. It feeds my ego.)

One might think that a challenging part of being a TikTok influencer would be the personal comments from random people on the internet. But Bisaya Conyo Girl would say otherwise.

They would jokingly say that the most challenging part is counting in Bisaya.

On being part of the LGBTQ+ Community

David Cua came out a decade ago and has never hidden the fact that they were gay ever since then. In fact, you can see their they/them pronouns on Tiktok and their other social media accounts.

These are pronouns used as single-person gender-neutral pronouns for people who do not identify with the gendered or binary pronouns like she/him.

Given that they/them pronouns are a reasonably new concept and may be confusing for many, David remains understanding.

“Humans fear what we don’t understand. Understanding can only come from a place of patience and empathy. I’ll take the time to explain things to someone if they’re curious and open enough to listen, but I’m also not one to judge if they don’t get it right away. In my experience, they get it eventually.”

While their sexuality has never affected their work, they say that the fear they released by coming out has actually given them an edge.

This pride month, David has this message for everyone, especially the LGBTQ+ community:

“Remember that this month, at its core, is about love, in every meaning and sense of the word. That love must start with yourself.

If you haven’t already, you can check out Bisaya Conyo Girl’s fun and witty videos on Tiktok and follow them on social media as @13cmusic or @13c.davey.


Photography Kyrra Kho | Makeup Morpha Mua | Location Nest Workspaces

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