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What Living in Italy Has Taught Sophia Sanchez

I never thought I’d study in Italy, or even living here. But when the opportunity presented itself, I knew that I couldn’t waste it.

Moving to Italy has been the best, and the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my life. It wasn’t an easy ride figuring things out on my own, but it has given me life-long lessons, both as a designer, and as a person—lessons that I’m now happy to share with you.

Understand the Value of Your Work

People here know how much skill and hard work go into an artist or designer’s creations. Italians admire creativity, beauty and quality, and because of that, they are willing to pay for what it’s worth. If it’s beyond their own capabilities, they won’t even try to ask for a lower price, since they know that there’s a reason why it’s valued that way.

It’s Easy to Get Creative and Be Inspired

In Italy, inspiration is literally everywhere. With so much art, history, and beautiful scenery around you, it’s easy to become motivated and express your creativity. It’s not just the art and architecture—you can even see artists showing off their work, or musicians performing on the streets. Seeing people showcase their talents with so much passion is truly inspiring. Here, you are always in touch with your artistic side.

Take Pleasure in Simple Things

Italians know how to find pleasure in everyday things, and always make an effort with what they have. This applies in their way of living. They have the ability to elevate something that you would consider simple, and see beauty in the most mundane things. It’s part of their culture.

Have Dignity in Work

Italians create not to please you, or to find fame—they work because they are proud of their skills and creativity, and the traditions they uphold. This simple pride within them never ceases to amaze me. They are able to do their work so well, because it is truly their passion.

Find Your Work-Life Balance

Italians go by the saying, “You work to live, you don’t live to work.” They take time and pleasure in doing things, in creating things—but having a life outside of work is very important for them. This is one of the things that made me want to live in Italy: the quality of life here is amazing!

Nothing is Impossible

Before I came here, I always doubted myself and what I was capable of. Even after I arrived, a lot of people told me that I can’t do this and I can’t do that, over and over again. Instead of becoming discouraged by this, I turned the doubt into fuel that made me want to reach my goals. I never gave up, and I slowly made the impossible, possible.


People often see my posts and think that my life in Italy is perfect. And honestly, my life here is far from perfect. But am I living a dream? Am I living my life to the fullest? The answer is yes, and it’s all because of what Italy has taught me.

Follow Sophia Sanchez to see more snapshots from her life in Italy.

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