
Celebrate Father’s Day the Arte Artsy Way

Making connections is the cornerstone of starting relationships, and fostering them strengthens those bonds. As Cherryl Mitz Peralta, founder of Arte Artsy Social Club, conceptualized in 2023, “Art is meant to connect people. Arte Artsy Social Club is one of the vessels to meet yourselves in the form of Art.”

In an age where genuine connections are becoming increasingly rare, Arte serves as a medium for individuals to rediscover themselves and bond with others through artistic expression. While food is often said to be the way to one’s heart, dining together—a time-honored tradition of intimacy and reflection, whether experienced alone or with friends and loved ones—provides the perfect backdrop for this creative exploration. Arte Artsy has perfected a blend of events that combine dining and art, crafting a soulful, intimate dining space with a special menu tailored for creatives.

A Unique Dining Experience

Arte x Artsy Social Club redefines the dining experience by offering a menu that goes beyond culinary delights. Their innovative concept allows guests to order creative activities just like they would order their favorite dishes. From painting and clay work to floral arrangements and leather tooling, each order is an invitation to embark on a unique, creative journey during your meal.

Painting the Creative Landscape

Cebu’s artistic landscape is more vibrant than ever, with the Arte Artsy Social Club leading the charge in cultivating our community’s creative spirit. The club’s roots trace back to a collaboration with Abli Restaurant, where their inaugural event was held on February 14, Valentine’s Day. Participants had the option to paint, create clay pottery, make floral bouquets, or design fun collages. These activities, paired with Abli’s exquisite dishes, created the perfect atmosphere for a romantic night.

Since then, Arte Artsy has continued to offer unique experiences at various venues. Highlights include the Picnic Art Date at Montebello Hotel with tote bag painting on March 31, the Yoga Art Date at Circa 1900 during Dawata Fest on April 14, and a Mother’s Day Special at Thirdwave Coffee. These soulful experiences are designed to nourish both the body and the spirit, making every visit to Arte Artsy memorable.

Easel into Their Next Creative Adventure

This Father’s Day, Arte x Artsy Social Club invites you to celebrate the fathers and father figures in your life by crafting lasting memories together. From June 15-16, their Montebello Villa Hotel location will host a unique leather workshop led by master artisan Tatay Longkoy.

The workshop includes pet collar design tooling, leather belt design tooling, and guitar strap design tooling, all designed to be beginner-friendly. Participants will benefit from expert demonstrations by Tatay Longkoy and enjoy interactive sessions that enhance the learning experience. Additionally, an art exhibit will showcase Tatay Longkoy’s unique leather creations, offering inspiration and insight into the craft.

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Whether you’re crafting a leather piece or admiring the exhibited artworks, this event offers a perfect opportunity to connect, create, and celebrate. This Father’s Day, don’t just grab a tie or settle for another Hallmark card. Invest in reconnection at Arte Artsy Social Club. It’s an experience you’ll undoubtedly never forget.

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